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Command Line Tools For Catalina

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Sourcetree For Mac; SRCTREE-7267; Install Command Line Tools fails on macOS 10.15.4 (Catalina). Xcode-select: error: command line tools are already installed, use 'Software Update' to install updates. This means you'll need to go to the developer website instead. Installing the CLT. When the.dmg has finished downloaded, double click the file to open it. This will open a little window that looks like this. FFmpeg is a powerful command-line conversion tool for Windows and Linux. It can be used for totally free for any purpose. Since the command is not so user-friendly for regular users. There are graphic user interface (GUI) implements for FFmpeg, like WinFF and AVANTI for Windows. However, I have not found an exact GUI for FFmpeg on Mac.

Recently, I have upgraded mac to 10.15.1 and I got a weird issue with node-gyp while working on my node project. It started failing when I was doing npm install. The issue reported was regarding the xcode-select CLT. We usually avoid installing full xcode and install the CLT (Command Line Tools) using xcode-select --install command.

Tried to run the command again but it did not work as CLT was already installed.

I did struggle for sometime to fix the issue. Finally, I found the solution and this is what I did.

  • Navigated to the folder /Library/Developer/ using terminal.
  • Removed the folder named CommandLineTools. Use sudo if needed.
  • Ran the command xcode-select --install which prompts for installing the command line toos. Once done, everything is back to normal for my node project.

Putting it here serves two purpose. One, It may help someone else and so won't hamper the productivity. Two, If there is another way to solve this issue, we can share it here through comment to let others know.

Have you faced this issue? If so, how you fixed it? Tell your experience and solution in comment section below.

Happy Learning!

Image credit: Unsplash - @maxcodes

Quick Links

Have you tried to use Telnet on MacOS only to find out it wasn't there?You're not alone, many have been disappointed to find out that Telnet hasbeen removed from modern versions of the system software starting fromMacOS Mojave and newer. These instructions will work for MacOS Mojave andnewer, I happen to be running Big Sur and this is what I did to get Telnetback.

Installing Telnet on MacOS with Homebrew

First I would like to mention that there is an easier route, that is usingHomebrew. I see a lot about it and many people seem happy with it but I havean aversion to putting it on my machine. If you don't already have Homebrewon your machine, navigate over to the brew website and followthe installation instructions. I would caution against following themexactly though for security purposes. I would do it like this instead:

Open and inspect the script to see what it does and make sure you feelcomfortable running it on your machine. And then run it.

Command line tools osx catalina

After installing Homebrew, install Telnet

Command Line Tools For Catalina Download

Installing Telnet on MacOS by Building Telnet from Source

This was the method I used. There are some prerequisite steps though, if youdon't already have them you'll need to install the MacOS command line tools.

Step 1: Installing the command line tools

Open a terminal and enter the following line, you'll then be shown a pop upprompt.

Command Line Tools For Catalina

Click install when the prompt pops up.

After that you'll be shown a license which you'll have to agree to in orderto install.

After that you'll see the download progress and the install will happenafter that. Unfortunately I forgot to get screen shots of the followingmessage boxes.

Step 2: Getting the Telnet source

For this step you'll be getting the GNU network utilitiesnavigate to the download pageand find the latest source. At the time I'm writing this it's 1.9.4:

Step 3: Extract the source

Step 4: Configure and build

Command Line Tools Without Xcode Catalina

Now that the source is extracted change into the directory:

Install Command Line Tools Catalina

Run the configure command:

Run the make command to build:

Git Command Line Tools Catalina

And then install:

Command Line Tools Catalina Download

Either way you choose is fairly easy, the build for this is pretty straightforward and was very quick. I don't think it even took me 10 minutes tobuild and install.

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